由于极具增长的业务发展的需要,自2021年7月1日起,悉尼仓库正式搬迁至 71 Milperra Rd , Revesby NSW 2212 , 截止至2021年7月5日仓库的搬迁工作已全部完成,并正式投入使用,新仓库的仓储面积更大,全新的仓储设备,优质的服务保障,将会为您提供更多、更好的物流解决方案。
Dear customers :
Due to the need of increasing business development, the Sydney warehouse has been officially relocated to 71 Milperra Rd, Revesby NSW 2212 since July 1, 2021. By July 5, the relocation of the warehouse has been completed and put into use. The new warehouse has larger storage area and new storage equipment.High quality service guarantee, will provide you with more and better logistics solutions.
